We are dedicated to the design, production and assembly of corporate image elements, institutional and applied to decoration and advertising, merchandising, urban furniture, marketing of commercial furniture, signage, illuminated and non-luminous signs
Our history
Incoluz was founded in March 2003 by a group of people from one of the most important companies dedicated to the implementation of corporate image. Since then, the growth of our activity has been constant, thanks to the inestimable collaboration of our customers. The human team that makes up our company has been the architect in recent years of the most outstanding performances in key sectors of the economy (financial institutions, energy, communications, transport, public administrations, franchises, etc.) Among our works, the most important companies in these sectors stand out.
Incoluz aware that its future in the sector is determined by the satisfaction of its customers, the protection of the environment and the safety and health of the people who are part of it, is committed to keep integrated, in its management and in the development of its processes and services, the principles of quality, protection of the environment and prevention of occupational risks. Therefore, following a process of constant evolution, it has defined and implemented the following commitments:

Maintain the quality of our services, exceeding our expectations and that of our customers, in order to achieve the maximum satisfaction of our customers.

Have a real and sustained growth based on the optimization of benefits and continuous improvement.

Develop our activity ensuring the prevention of damage and deterioration of the health of our workers, as well as other interested parties, achieving a high level of safety and health at work.

Create a culture of integral management based on the fulfillment of the quality of the service, the sustainable use of resources and the prevention of pollution and the safety and health of our workers, training and motivating staff on the importance of complying with the requirements of the client, minimizing the environmental impact of our activity by controlling our significant environmental aspects and those associated with the rational consumption of natural resources, the efficient management of waste and the prevention of pollution.

Accept the commitment to comply with the applicable Legal and Regulatory requirements and others, that the organization subscribes related to our products and environmental aspects in matters of Quality, Environment and Prevention of Occupational Risks, and to continuously improve the efficiency of the management system, minimizing the risks and preventing pollution.

Internally disseminate the content of the Policy, Programs and Objectives of Quality, Environment and Prevention of Occupational Risks, promoting actions of participation, awareness, information and theoretical and practical training, integrating our suppliers and customers in the commitment. In addition, this policy will be displayed in visible places, available to the public or other interested parties who request it.
At INCOLUZ, we are aware of the deterioration of the environment in recent years. For this reason we have developed a company policy for the conservation and improvement of our environment. For this we implement an environmental management system according to the UNE EN ISO 14001 standard, we evaluate our performance in the environment, we train all our workers about the correct environmental behavior and we always carry out the waste recycling activity. To ensure compliance with our environmental values, we only work with suppliers and partners that are governed by this policy and promote our global vision in search of a better environment.
- 100% environmental awareness: every year we train our workers in environmental matters and responsible consumption
- 100% recycling of our waste through authorized managers.
- Reduction of the fuel consumption of our vehicles through efficient driving and the application of good practices.
- Reduction of the light consumption of our facilities.
- Reduction of non-hazardous waste from our facilities
Code of conduct
The commitments we assume through this code of conduct are related to Social and ethical responsibility, including the following concepts:
- Ethical framework
- Child labor
- Forced labor, abuse and disciplinary measures
- Discrimination
- Working conditions
- Health and Safety at Work
- Freedom of association
- Environmental management